Φυσικὰ ποτὲ δὲν διδάχθηκε ἡ ἐπίθεση τῶν Σαυροματῶν στὴν χώρα μας γιατί δὲν πρέπει νὰ γνωρίζουμε τί εἶναι οἱ Σαυρομάτες, ποιά ἡ σχέση τους μὲ τὸν Ἡρακλῆ, οὔτε γιατί ἐπιτέθηκαν στὴν Ἑλλάδα.
Συνεπώς το ερώτημα παραμένει καίριο και είναι το εξής: Οι Ρώσοι στο διάβα των αιώνων ευεργέτησαν τους Ομόδοξους Έλληνες έναντι των αλλόθρησκων ή οι Έλληνες πάντοτε υπήρξαν οι ανιδιοτελείς ευεργέτες τους; Η απάντηση μετά την ανωτέρω ιστορική παράθεση ας δοθεί από τον κάθε αναγνώστη ξεχωριστά, έχοντας όμως όλοι μας στη θύμηση μας τη ρήση του τέως Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας Χρήστου Σαρτζετάκη το Πάσχα του 1985 ότι "οἱ ῞Ελληνες εἴμεθα «Έθνος ἀνάδελφον» ἀφοῦ συγγενικά μας ἔθνη δὲν ὑπάρχουν· κατ᾽ ἀντίθεσι πρὸς ἄλλους λαούς, ποὺ δὲν εἶναι μόνοι, ἀλλὰ διαθέτουν συγγενεῖς, ὅπως οἱ σλαβικοὶ λαοί, οἱ ἀραβικοί, οἱ ἀγγλοσάξωνες, οἱ λατινογενεῖς λαοί, κλπ Εν κατακλείδι ο Εθνοφυλετισμός στην Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία είναι εξαιρετικά επικίνδυνος καθότι δύναται ακόμη να φτάσει σε σημείο διαστροφής τέτοιο και ικανό να διαστρεβλώσει τον Αγιορείτικο χαιρετισμό "Ευλογείτε-ο Κύριος" σε "Ευλογείτε – ο Κύρι(λλ)ος"… με τις όποιες συνέπειες οι οποίες δε θα απέχουν και πολύ από τις Παπικές δοξασίες…!
The transatlantic voyage of Heraklion A historical figure who reached as far as Canada was Hercules of Greek mythology, according to Geology professor Elias Mariolakos. He arrived a thousand years before Alexander the Great on the Indus River. He passed through Ethiopia, reached Greenland and may have been the first to set foot in America. One of the most famous heroes of world mythology - Hercules - was not only a great plumber, engineer and hydrogeologist, as many of his twelve deeds testify, but also the first to practice globalization and the architect of the Mycenaean cosmocracy, Elias Mariolakos, Emeritus Professor of Geology and member of the Central Archaeological Council, supported last night in a speech at the University of Athens. "Hercules is not a person for children to have fun. "Greek mythology is not a fairy tale for a fantasy world either", Elias Mariolakos tells "NEA". "Hercules is a historical - and not mythical - person, an unknown great conqueror, hero-founder of cities, the first connecting link of the common cultural background of Europeans, the Mycenaean and consequently of Greek culture. And the mythology is the story of the distant past of the inhabitants of this place, which much later will be called Hellas ". The first to enter the professor's microscope was the feat of snatching the oxen of Girion, the three-headed and three-limbed giant that lived in Gadira, present-day Cadiz, Spain, near the Strait of Gibraltar. "Most people believe that Hercules traveled to the Iberian Peninsula to bring a good breed of oxen to the Peloponnese," explains Mariolakos. "If we read carefully Strabo, who lived in the 1st c. e.g. but we will find that in no other part of the world has so much gold, silver, copper and iron been found. And the oxen are justified because there were testimonies that the "sifting" of the gold from the sand was done on oxen skins ". The foundation of the city by Hercules is mentioned in the coat of arms of the city even today. Hercules completes his feat and continues north to Celtic and founds Alessia (also known as the city of Asterix), whose name comes from the word alys (= wandering). A city of strategic importance, as it is connected by navigable rivers to the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the English Channel and the North Sea, where Julius Caesar defeated the Gauls. She is still founding Monaco and Alicante - her football team is called Hercules. What was Hercules looking for in Galatia? "Gold", replies Mr. Mariolakos, "since Diodorus tells us that in Galatia there are rich gold deposits". Hercules, however, is said - according to Plutarch - to have reached Ogygia, which is five days west of Britain. "Five days is equivalent to 120 hours. If the average speed of a boat at the time was 4 miles per hour, then the distance is 890 km, so it is today's Iceland and continued to Greenland, while the Cronus Sea, which is reportedly identified with the North Atlantic » "In order to bring the golden apples of Hesperides (that is, the gold), Hercules from Egypt reached Ethiopia and then the Caucasus - to ask for the help of Prometheus - and Libya before returning to Mycenae" Hercules arrived, according to Professor Elias Mariolakos, as far as America. In the sources we read that he installed his followers "up to the bay whose mouth is in the same line as the mouth of the Caspian Sea". "Only one bay meets these requirements: St. Lawrence in Toronto, Canada." He testified that they stayed "on islands that see the sun hiding for less than an hour for 30 days" - that is, in the polar circle. What was he looking for there? The answer lies in the findings of excavations around Lake Superior in Michigan. It is enough to think that more than 500,000 tons of copper have been mined in the region, when 200,000 tons were mined in the pre-eminent source of copper - Cyprus. Mining took place in the period 2,450 BC-1050 BC, it stops suddenly, when the Mycenaean civilization collapses. And all this in an area where the natives were in the Stone Age! A historical figure who reached as far as Canada was Hercules of Greek mythology, according to Geology professor Elias Mariolakos.
Ύστερα από μία μικρή διαδικτυακή έρευνα πάνω στο πολύ ενδιαφέρον αυτό θέμα, βρήκαμε αυτήν την ιστοσελίδα, η οποία φαίνεται να είναι και η πηγή του παραπάνω άρθρου...